Once again the weather prediction was for rain on Thursday night. This time our luck ran out and the 60 something degrees alternated between a blustery rain and a moderate drizzle. Four hardy competitors completed the whole triathlon. Rima Carlson completed the four-peat as first female in 2013. Brian Carlson won for the 3rd consecutive time. Five competitors opted for the aquathlon due to concerns for safety (and fearing hypothermia) on the wet rough bike ride. The weather almost cancelled the picnic, but after a few cold volunteers and competitors left, the charcoal got hot enough for many to stay for a burger and some great potluck salads. Thanks to Dot and John Martin, Marsha Bancroft and Eric Ryea for volunteering. Here’s hoping for at least one sunny Thursday on good pavement in 2014!


                              Elmore Practice Triathlon Series #7


                               Elmore State Park, Lake Elmore, VT


        Place                                                   BIKE               

          in                                    SWIM    BIKE    Cum    RUN    FINAL

Place Division  NO. NAME                  AGE S Time    Time    Time   Time   Time  

===== ======== ==== ====================  === = =====   ====   ======= ====   ========

    1   1/1      17 Brian Carlson          41 M  8:03   30:59   39:02 15:09   54:11

    2   1/1      16 Rima Carlson           39 F  8:18   33:48   42:06 19:51 1:01:57

    3   1/1      37 Amanda Ellingson       43 F 10:04   37:49   47:53 18:46 1:06:39

    4   1/1      18 Roy Belcher            31 M  6:52   45:12   52:04 20:08 1:12:12

* Roy Belcher flatted at approx 3.7 miles on the bike course, ran back to the start and continued on the run.


                             AQUATHLON RESULTS



          in                                    SWIM   T1   RUN     FINAL

Place Division  NO. NAME                  AGE S Time  Time  Time    Time  

===== ======== ==== ====================  === = ===== ===== ==== ========

    1   1/1       9 Dustin Rand            39 M  7:05  0:49 17:40   25:34

    2   1/1       1 Ben Ellingson          42 M  8:02  0:43 17:18   26:03

    3   1/2      25 Betsy Drury            44 F 10:06  0:38 19:13   29:57

    4   2/2       6 Sandy Colvin           45 F 11:09  1:29 18:36   31:14

    5   1/1      14 Tanya Carrien          30 F 14:09  1:32 35:46   51:27